5:1 vs 6:1 Safety Guidelines for FIBC Big Bag

When using bulk bags, it is important to use the instructions provided by both your supplier and the manufacturer. It is also important that you don’t fill bags over their safe working load and/or reuse bags that aren’t designed for more than one use. Most bulk bags are manufactured for a single use, but some are specifically designed for multiple uses. Let’s examine the differences between 5:1 and 6:1 bulk bags and determine what type of bag is right for your application


What is a 5:1 bulk bag?

Most woven polypropylene bulk bags are manufactured for one use. These single use bags are rated at a 5:1 safety factor ratio (SFR). This means that they have the ability to hold five times the amount of their safe work load (SWL). Remember, although the bag is rated to hold five times the rated safe working load, doing so is unsafe and is not recommended.

What is a 6:1 bulk bag?

Some fibc bulk bags are specifically manufactured for multiple uses. These multiple use bags are rated at a 6:1 safety factor ratio. This means they have the ability to hold six times their rated safe working load. Just like 5:1 SFR bags, it is not recommended that you fill a 6:1 SFR bag over its SWL as doing so can result in an unsafe working environment.

Although the fibc bags is rated for multiple uses, this doesn’t mean you can use it over and over again without adhering to specific safe use guidelines. Multiple use bags should be used in a closed loop system. After every use, each bag should be cleaned, reconditioned, and qualified for reuse. bulk bag fibc bags hould also be used for storing/ transporting the same product in the same application every time.


  1. 1 Cleaning
  • Remove all foreign matter from the bags interior
  • Ensure statically held dust is less than four ounces total
  • Replace liner if applicable
  1. 2 Reconditioning
  • Replace web ties
  • Replace labels and tickets critical to safe woven polypropylene bulk bag use
  • Replace cord-locks if necessary
  1. 3 Reasons for rejecting a bag
  • Lift strap damage
  • Contamination
  • Damp, wet, mould
  • Wood splinters
  • Printing is smeared, faded or otherwise unreadable
  1. 4 Tracking
  • The manufacturer should maintain a record of origin, product used in the bag and the quantity of uses or turns
  1. 5 Testing
  • Bags should be randomly selected for top lift testing. The frequency and quantity shall be determined by the manufacturer and/or user based on their specific situation


Post time: Aug-15-2024